E-mail notification: You can receive e-mail notification of the completion of jobs. 电子邮件通知:您可以收到关于作业完成的电子邮件通知。
The objective function being considered was the sum of weighted completion times of all jobs plus the maximum dissatisfaction of all jobs processing times that deviated from their specified ones. 我们所考虑的目标函数由所有工件的加权完工时间之和与对所有工件的实际加工时间偏离额定加工时间的最大不满意程度这两部分组成。
In this paper we prove that the shortest ready time ( SRT) sequencing minimizes the total completion time, and analyse properties of the one-machine sequencing problem with ready time to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs. 本文证明了最短准备时间(SRT)排序使总的完工时间取得最小,并进一步分析了带有准备时间的带权误工工件数排序问题的一些性质。
Minimizing Total Completion Time of Jobs on a Flexible Two Machine Flow Shop 流水作业由二台柔性机器组成时的极小完工时间之和问题
Job shop scheduling problem is well known to be a difficult, strongly NP-complete problem, the objective of this is minimizing the completion time of all the jobs, called the make span, subject to the constraints of this kind of problem. 车间作业调度问题是优化组合中一个著名的难题,问题的目标是在满足约束条件的前提下,使调度的加工周期尽可能小。
The completion of these jobs laid a foundation for further study on the jumping movement of spherical robot. 这些工作的完成为球形机器人跳跃运动的进一步研究打下了基础。
All jobs contained in the same batch have the same start time and the same completion time, that is, the start time plus the maximum processing time among the processing times of all the jobs in the batch. 同一批工件具有相同的开始时间和结束时间,即开始时间加上这一个批中所有工件的最大给定处理时间。
Order scheduling is to study the whole completion situation of a group of jobs in an order. 所以,订单调度研究的是一组作业的整体完工情况。
I mainly involved in the completion of the following jobs: obtain the system requirements, the design of system architecture, the design and implementation of the various functional modules. Currently, the CRM system has been used in the company. 本人主要参与完成了如下工作:系统需求的获取及评审,系统架构的设计和各个功能模块的设计与实现。